Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I believe that I do imitate people. A lot of people. Depending on what I am doing the people I imitate changes. For example, I imitate my dad's determination to get things done or figured out. If he gets stuck on something the last thing he is going to do is give up. He always seems to have an idea of how to figure something out whether it's how to load up the car, how to fix an issue around the house, many things. When it comes to working out I feel that I imitate collegiate or professional athletes. Not exactly by the amount of weight they do or the types of workouts they do but I imitate their work ethic. Their work ethic is what separates them from every other athlete. So I try to imitate that determination and desire to want to be better than the rest. When it comes to being in public or around other people I imitate my friend Justin. He has a calm demeanor about him and he never seems nervous. He's the type of person to never let things affect him too much. He doesn't get overwhelmed. I imitate a lot of people through many aspects of my life whether it's in sports, school, work outs, or problem solving. I feel like my best way of understanding how to do something is by seeing how someone else handles the same type of situation. I still try to maintain my uniqueness and individuality but I also try to take certain aspects of others personalities and apply them to myself because I feel that they are good qualities to have.

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